you to...
your ministry"
This website is for all who are in the early years of ministry and is designed to help Young Ministers around the world to serve God fully and effectively in whatever capacity He has opened up so far.
We have an official membership which gives members special privileges and opportunities like contributing to the articles on this website. Our Young Members are already serving as Pastors, Evangelists, Youth Ministers, Children’s workers, Interns, in the Media and so on. Others are working full time in secular employment but giving their spare time to help in their own local church.
We also have a Senior Membership consisting of ministers who have been serving God for many years in various countries. Their contribution of articles and expertise provide a priceless and growing resource for everyone’s benefit and inspiration.
You do not have to agree with everything that is published here, but it is a sign of security, maturity and balance if we can at least listen to, and consider the thoughts of others and come to our own conclusions. This website encourages that!
Rev Paul L Hodgson MTh is the founder and administrator of this Forum and is available along with the Senior Ministers to offer advice and support upon request at any time.
PASTOR PAUL writes...
Those of you who know me will be aware that I don't like talking about myself too much but for those who don't know me maybe I need to say just a few words...
I started out in ministry preaching in small churches as a teenager and then after Bible College, I was invited to be the Pastor of a church in Thetford Norfolk England when I was 25 years old. I served there for 40 years and during that time I gained my Master's degree. I was also the Vice President of Thetford Christians Together for ten years. I have preached and lectured occasionally in other places including the USA, Poland, Austria, Spain, YWAM Holland, the Republic of Ireland, India, Switzerland, Kosovo, the Philippines, Romania, Macedonia, and Monaco.
I have also been lecturing at the International Bible Training Institute in Burgess Hill England ( for the past twelve years where I teach Church History, Pastoral Ministry, Old Testament and New Testament Surveys and how to study conceptually.
I was married for 27 years to my darling wife, Rosario who is now with the Lord in Glory and together we had two children, Abigail and Davide who also belong to the Lord.