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In one of my lectures on the subject of pastoral ministry some years ago, one of the female students asked if a woman could be a pastor. My answer was a resounding: “YES - but that does not mean she has to be the leader of a church.”


One of our problems in approaching the subject of pastoral ministry is that for hundreds of years in the Protestant church (of many denominations), the leader of a church has been given the title of PASTOR.


The problem is that some people with that TITLE of Pastor are not the GIFT of Pastor – they may be leading a local church, however big or small, and they may be very gifted in preaching, teaching, or organising but that does not make them a PASTOR in the New Testament sense of the word.


Actually, in the first century, the leadership of a local church was entrusted to a group of elders among whom there might well be one or more who was truly the gift of a pastor and equally there could be evangelists, prophets, teachers and even apostles within that group.


The word Pastor only appears once in the New Testament but a pastor is a SHEPHERD of souls and that word appears many times in the scriptures.


As Shepherd Jesus has 3 titles:


The GOOD Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John 10:7-18)          

(Referring to His DEATH)


The GREAT Shepherd

“Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will.” (Hebrews 13:20)

(Referring to His RESURRECTION)


The CHIEF Shepherd

“I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away (1 Peter 5:1-4)

(Referring to His SECOND COMING)


Jesus is the supreme Pastor and ever since he “ascended on high” has given Pastors to the world and particularly to the church (Ephesians 4:11) in order to continue and multiply his ministry until He comes again.


His UNDER SHEPHERDS should be following His example by:


1) Laying down their lives in service to God and His people

2) Depending on His resurrection power (Philippians 3:10) 

3) Caring for the sheep until He returns in the ways that Peter mentions above (1 Peter 5:1-4)


Let’s look at our perfect example – the way that Jesus was Pastor to the Twelve:


                He Loved them (John 13:1)

                Discipled them (A disciple is a follower: Matthew 4:19). He did this by –

                                                Example: Love, prayer life, holiness, relationships

                                                Teaching: The Kingdom of God theme

                                                Correction (Matthew 16:23, 17:17, 18:1-2, 19:13-14, 26:51-52)

                Brought them close to God as their Heavenly Father (John 17:25-26)

                He laid down His life for them (John 10:15, 15:13)

                Empowered them to be dependent upon the Spirit (John 14:16-17 & 26, Acts 1:8)

                Released them to ministry & to make disciples themselves (Matthew 10:1, 28:19)


In Psalm 23 we see how the LORD as our shepherd works:


  • RESTORES SOULS Psalm 23:2

  • LEADS PEOPLE in right ways of living Ps 23:3

  • PROTECTS the flock (with the rod) Ps 23:4

  • FINDS those who are lost (with his staff) Ps 23:4, Luke 15:4

  • MAKES a good life for the flock (goodness and mercy) Ps 23:6, John 10:10

  • HELPS them get safely to heaven Ps 23:6


There are many things that someone with the title of Pastor has to DO and these things are seen by everyone. Furthermore they have to be capable people to do them well.


There are many outward things that they do such as preaching, teaching, leading meetings, visiting (although quite a few of them don’t do much of that these days). They are also involved in counselling, organising the church and special events, as well as officiating at infant dedications, baptisms, weddings and funerals - but these duties do not MAKE them the gift of a PASTOR.


There are other deeper things that should be going on under the surface of a true pastor’s ministry and these things determine his/her effectiveness as a pastor – such as:


  • their closeness to God

  • their service and love for the people

  • their involvement in discipling believers

  • shepherding souls

  • inspiring faith

  • equipping others through teaching

  • releasing and encouraging people to serve.  


If pastors concentrate on working on the inner things, people will be growing closer to Jesus:


  • maturing in the Faith,

  • serving in the Kingdom,

  • growing in love: with Jesus, each other and for the unsaved –

  • witnessing/making disciples,

  • living holy lives and having abundant life!


One of my most recent students asked me what my biggest regret is when I look back on my ministry. My answer was that I had been a Pastor/leader of a church for 40 years and I wish I had spent far more time in discipling the people who in turn would disciple others - and less time on organisation and all the other duties listed above. That student had asked the same question of another lecturer who had been a far more successful church leader than me, and his answer was the same!


So to answer my former female student’s question a little further – yes women can be the GIFT of pastor and are needed especially to minister to other women and children.   Furthermore, women have more naturally the attributes for caring for and empathising with others. So without being the sole leader of a church women - and men are needed as much today as ever, to fulfil the full ministry of shepherding souls - the way that the Good, Great, Chief shepherd did!







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