The church needs leaders – but what should they be like?
The situation in most denominations of the church around the world today is that the Pastor (or priest or vicar or whatever they want to call him/her) is the leader of the local church. Usually this person is aided in their leadership by elders and/or deacons, the church board or church council and/or by other possibly paid ministries such as youth minister, administrator, curate, assistant pastor etc.
The modern Pastor will do lots of tasks within, and on behalf of the local church such as: Preaching, teaching, leading meetings, visiting, counselling, organising events, infant dedication, baptisms, weddings and funerals.
My brother always used to joke (although I think he actually believed it), that Pastors only work for two hours a week – on a Sunday – but I’m sure we all agree that to lead an organised church is quite a demanding job and you have to be quite a capable person to do it well, which is why in these days of mega churches that the “senior” Pastor/leader is often required to be more like a chief executive of a corporation.
There are many things that someone with the TITLE of Pastor has to DO and these things are seen by everyone - but they do not MAKE him/her the GIFT of PASTOR. The Ephesians 4 GIFT OF PASTOR is something deeper than that.
These are what I would consider to be the signs that a person is that GIFT (you may want to add other things):
Closeness to God
Serving people
Loving people
Discipling believers
Feeding people spiritually
Shepherding souls
Inspiring faith
Equipping the church to fulfil the Mission
Recognising people’s gifts
Releasing people by giving them opportunities to serve.
Most of us are living with “organised” Church as it has been for many years in denominations with a long history and that have a setup which is usually very difficult to change.
As I said at the beginning of this series, we may not be able to get back to New Testament practice such as meeting in homes with unpaid elders giving leadership (although there are some groups that are doing that), but what we can do is to get back to the HEART of how God wants His Church to be.
So once again let’s try to get to the real heart of what leaders, whether they are “Pastors” or a group of elders should be doing.
Let’s look at our perfect example - Jesus as Pastor to the Twelve:
He served them “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45)
He Loved them (John 13:1)
Discipled them (A disciple is a follower: Matthew 4:19). He did this by –
Example: Love, prayer life, holiness, relationships
Teaching: The Kingdom of God theme
Correction (Matthew 16:23, 17:17, 18:1-2, 19:13-14, 26:51-52)
Related them to their Heavenly Father (John 17:25-26)
Fed them spiritually (John 6:57-59, 21:17)
Laid down His life for them (John 10:15, 15:13)
Empowered them to be dependent upon the Spirit (John 14:16-17 & 26, Acts 1:8)
Released them to ministry & to make disciples themselves (Matthew 10:1, 28:19)
If church leaders whether they be pastors or elders, follow the example of Jesus this will then result in:
People growing closer to God
Maturing in the Faith
Living holy lives
Working to promote the Kingdom of God
Growing in love – with Jesus – with each other – and for the unsaved
Witnessing/making disciples
Experiencing abundant life in Jesus.
The real heart of leadership is SERVANTHOOD (Matt 20:27, 2 Cor 4:5). True leaders in the church are SERVANTS. In just the same way as Jesus was a servant (Matt 20:28, Philippians 2:7, John 13:14).
We don’t need mega churches with mega leaders and megastar preachers unless those leaders have true servant hearts.
Neither does the church need leaders who are controlling, manipulative and demanding people’s obedience. This is cultish and a million miles from the heart of Jesus and leadership as we see it in the New Testament. If the believers know that their leaders truly LOVE THEM and want the best for THEM, and that their leaders are truly men/women of prayer and the Word, they will gladly follow.
So again, will the REAL CHURCH Leaders please stand up!
-The ones who have no selfish motives
- The ones whose only desire is to serve God: His purpose and His people
- Leaders who are working to fulfil the mission of the church…
- And be seen as the REAL CHURCH in the world today!