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Leadership. No-2. Abide in Him by Gill Newham Missionary to Mongolia

I believe it is important as leaders to have hearts that are always grateful, so a simple prayer we often pray is: “Lord, please enable us to have hearts that are thankful for the things you have given us.” But there is something even more fundamental than that. In order to be effective as Christian leaders we need to remain constant in our relationship with God. Some may raise their eyebrows and think, isn’t that obvious! Of course it is obvious. But we’ve noticed in the midst of the busyness of ministry — when the needs press in hard and the demands on our time are unending — the first casualty from the deluge can be our personal time with the Lord.

Perhaps you don’t believe me. But it’s true. The erosion, subtle and quiet, slithers snake-like into our lives. It draws away from God and we accept the misguided lie that we can lead by the strength of our own hand, and using our God-given natural talents and abilities we can certainly enjoy some success. Yet without a growing relationship with God keeping us fixed on Him for daily strength and guidance, our leadership is not Christian. Effective Christian leadership is wholly dependent on God. It is God-shaped — vital and risky, selfless and forgiving.

To lead as He would have us lead we have to maintain our relationship with Him. However we do not abide in Him simply to be better leaders or even better people, although we will be, rather we abide in Him because we love Him. He loved us first and rescued us from damnation. Understanding the heart of our loving father we respond with love and, as His precious children, learn to delight in Him as He delights in us.

The focus of our attention needs to be towards Him — towards heaven, not earthbound, which is not easy when the world persistently demands our attention. We need to decide to allow His Spirit to direct our lives, so that we can be captivated by God’s beauty, His wisdom and intelligence. And then when the distractions and pressures come, as surely they will, we will know who to run to, we will know where the source of our strength and ministry lies; and with Jesus we will be able to say, “Without the Father, I can do nothing.”

As we abide in Him His love and grace will flow from us and touch the lives of those around us. But we must remind ourselves, that it is His power and not ours, working in and through enabling us to fulfil our role in the body. He takes our strengths and weaknesses and transforms them, using them for His glory. It is a calling from God which we do not own or control. He calls us because He loves people and desires to fulfil His purposes in the world through us. It is all because of His grace.

So let’s resolve to protect our relationship with God, to ensure that we abide in Him and are growing. Let’s get to know God better rather than get to know about Him. Let His love fill our hearts so that we might be the very fragrance of Christ which draws others to God Himself.

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