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A Wake-up Call for Today by Evangelist Robert Cagnetta

I cannot but tremble when I see the church in such an apathetic state of mind. The church needs to wake up and get on with the job in hand. We have talked about Brexit right across Britain for the last three years. What about our calling - our world mission to do what the Lord has commanded us to do. He came and died in order that we may be saved and not lost for eternity. We cannot offer those who are lost a general election- or a deal or no deal- we cannot debate anymore the great commission. shall we also keep on just talking about what the church should do? I do not think so.

The church it seems needs to be saved in order to save the world. How can we the church give out what we do not have at this moment in time. We need another Pentecost and we need it now! Why do we spend fortunes in building bigger churches, money wasted on advertising for this or that in the church. Inviting the special speakers to come to our church to tell us how we should be winning souls. Money wasted on sound equipment- to make our music louder and louder- as if God is deaf.

There was no advertising of Peter and the apostles as special speakers. No flyers were circulated all over town- where most of them end up in the trash can anyway. There was no planned method of evangelism. The fact is revival was the reception of the Holy Spirit. And why was that you ask? Because the church was sat waiting as simple as that. Don't you see what happened the church had no gimmicks- it was simply waiting- and the Holy Spirit showed up. This wonderful line of scripture was declared- '' And the same day there were added unto them about 3,000 souls'' Acts 2 - 41. The fire of God simply fell and the rest is history.

But I do not want to live my life in the history of Pentecost - I want to experience Pentecost in my own life and my children's lives. I want to be part of the waiting church- in one accord and I want the Lord to show up and do what he does best- win souls!! The church must awaken from its slumber and wipe away the tiredness from its eyes and see again that the Lord is able. I mean Jonah was asleep in the storm below decks. We read this story and we may make a comment. The fact is we like Jonah have heard the clarion call of God- and we have run away to hide in our own make believe ships and just sleep. The storm I feel will come our way and soon- and God will awaken us in such a way which will cause us to be spewed out on to the shore.

It is not the Lord who is sleeping we are assured- because he never sleeps or slumbers- but we his people are well and truly asleep. We must gather our resources- to begin tearing down the gates of hell together -and seeing the salvation of the multitudes. Pentecost was the great day of a world beginning- They went every where preaching the word Acts 8-4....

A spontaneous evangelism - they did not need to attend a seminar and be taught 10 points on how to witness the gospel. No great conventions or books to read . We do not have to whip up the congregation to win souls- that is not how it happened in the bible.We need to be soaked in the Spirit and saturated with God's love and preach the gospel- as simple and as easy as that. Then we can say-'' We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. Acts 4-20.... What have you or I seen or heard in the last decade- how many more words do we need- how many more prophetical words do we need to hear.

We need the Holy Spirit to enable us to live our lives in victory. We will never fulfil our ministry or be effective with out the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us along. Each of us has been called to witness and the Holy Spirit is the greatest witness ever. With out the Spirit's power we unfortunately will fail and fail miserably.

''As the father has sent me, even so I send you... Receive you the Holy Spirit'' John 20: 21-22... I want to address something extremely important at this moment. Why do you think we fail in our Christian walk..... I can say it is most probably sin that has crept in- and no matter how many times we try to overcome something in our lives- we seem to just keep repeating the same problem over and over again. Is it a wonder when we hear such a powerful spirit led message on soul winning we are totally overwhelmed with our sin that we dare not even consider being used.

A great sin is the compromise with the world. Seems the enemy has a plan to steer us all back to the world system. This is a tragic truth because more and more of us have one foot in and one foot out. How can we be a waiting church as on the day of Pentecost- when half the church is seeking God for revival- when the other half are engaged in worldly activities. To be in one acord simply means to be in harmony or agreement. We need to be able to agree as a body and remain steadfast and let the Holy Spirit take over.

What does it mean to confess our sins to one another? Well simply it means- to make an admission of wrong doing! acknowledge what you are doing and turn away and ask some one you can trust! to pray with you. The thing is many of us have been steeped in sin for so long- that we are scared to confess one to another- so therefore we keep it under wraps and pretend we are ok. ( leaves us crippled)

Colossians 3- 5-6 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality Impurity, lust evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. We need to simply confess all our issues before God- and he does cleanse us all and sets us free. It is when we understand that we sin against God- and this is what really matters. Then walk away and live your life with Jesus.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5-1... If you want the calling on your life to mean something then choose this day who you will follow. ''Who ever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life'' The nations are suffering a tormented hell- and I dare say those of us who are slaves of sin will also live in torment and die a fruitless life. Set yourself free from the trap and go to God now and simply confess what ever it is that is holding you back. You do not need to live your life any longer feeling you cannot find your way out.

In case you are wondering Jesus said that church members should forgive each other-70x 7x- this means it is boundlessness. But this does not mean we keep on sinning and asking to be forgiven. Let go of everything now no matter how bad or how not so bad -sin is sin- simply repent with all your heart and walk away from it. (Done).

Now with that being dealt with- let me encourage us all that serving God is not difficult. All around you are people who need Jesus Christ. And they need to be touched by his love- not the world's idea of love- God's love is so different. Praying for them as you go about your life in the town for example. Many walk pass you every single day. Young and old who need encouraging, The list is endless and I know you and I can add to it with ease. Let God use the gifts and abilities that he has given you. The gifts that have been stolen from you- and you felt powerless to fight back.

The Lord has no special favourites he loves us all the same. The thing is when we get saved- we normally end up in a church. We are raw recruits in many ways - and we try to fit in and it takes time. Unfortunately those of us who have been saved for years seem to gravitate towards the new saved people- and then we offer our own independent Christian language. Bless you my brother/ sister, wow, Praise the Lord and the list is remarkably non stoppable. I remember trying to be a cookie cut out of those trying to help me. After a while I was welcomed in to the inner circle because I could say and copy oh so well. Look God is not looking for another me or you- he is not looking for the intellectual bible graduate, or the well dressed person in the church. He looks for someone who will stand in the gap- and is willing to serve him in the most simplistic way. Jesus was not complicated or proud. HE SERVED ! You want greatness then serve.....

We get put off because we think (Lies) that we do not measure up to Billy Graham or some one in the spot light. We therefore end up believing the lies that we are useless. Not only do we believe this- but I have heard pastors etc declare how God uses only the elite. What utter nonsense- if you are saved and following Jesus he WILL make away where even the devil dares to tread, Stop this mind set and false pride- by thinking you are not a player in this vast Christian world. It is not the truth it is a lie from the pits of darkness and it is time for you to shine. Paul's words in his epistle to the Romans are amongst the most- well known, and most quoted in the bible-.....

''And we know that all things work together for GOOD- to those who love God, to those who are called according to HIS purposes. Romans 8-28.... His purposes not ours. Look at Ezra- 6-14.....

God is God he can use anyone, a nobody or a king for his purposes. No one can stop him. They completed the temple - God finishes what he started and so we shall also as from now! Be brave and be strong the Lord God is with you.....

Be free to write to me where ever you are in the world. If any of you are Italian I would like to share a part of my life and to seek wisdom...... Roberto...

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