by Evangelist Robert Cagnetta
"Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." ( Psalm 28)
The church can be revived in this hour and the world evangelised as never before. As Christians we can and should give ourselves to the task of reaching the world with the gospel message of salvation.
Ask ! this is the key to challenging every one of us to do our part, no matter how big or how small. All we have to do is to ask the Lord Jesus Christ for the souls of the nations and to stand strong in faith and see the lost enter heaven.
A worldwide opportunity lies at our doors to make the gospel known to the multitudes today. With the love of Jesus within us and the power from on high we can - each and every one of us, within our own life time reach the lost. If only this generation will ask of Him, He will make the nations our inheritance.
Millions are waiting to hear the Gospel message once let alone twice. Will we give our resources, time, our very lives if need be in order that the Great Commission is carried out? This is a matter between you and God as to how you will fulfil your part of speaking forth His word of salvation.
In today's moral and spiritual decline the Lord searches for those who will take a step forward in faith, and simply provide spiritual direction for others. Ezekiel 22:30 says “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one." Isaiah declared that the Lord: ''looked and was displeased that there was no justice, no one to intercede" ( Isaiah 59:15-16)
I know the Lord is is omnipotent but He has chosen us His people for the task ahead in this world we live in. This is the hour to step forward and to make an impact right where we are.
I mention ask! Many of us are asking with the wrong motives. Seeking out top positions within the church - and especially in wanting to lead. To be in a top position in the church - to climb the social ladder so to speak.... For those who are seeking roles of leadership may I offer you the following...
That you will know the difference between ambition and vision. Leaders need to understand the implications of leading God's people especially if you have not been called to do so. Many manmade structures are collapsing all over the world today. Churches in decline due to the lack of prayer and weeping at the door of grace. There can be no stronger incentive to world evangelism than to think of the Lord's return. The return of Christ is the living hope of the world that is crumbling around us.
It was once said that God is not looking for the clever man or woman, the educated Bible scholar - God is looking for the broken man or woman who have judged themselves in the light of the cross of Christ. I have seen and learnt personally that when Jesus wants anything done- He takes up those who have come to the end of themselves. I have learnt as I have served in various nations that I needed to put my complete trust and confidence in Him and not myself. I remember going through a severe earth quake in Romania during my time of living in this beautiful nation, and that I could do absolutely nothing to change this situation around me. ( But Pray and ask God for Mercy)
One thing became clear to me in scripture - God loves to answer prayer. We need to understand and believe that God does answer prayer. I used to believe God to a point then quit through lack of understanding or that God was deaf to my plight. (Immature Me)
John 14-14, John 15-7, John 1-16, John 16-23, John 16- 24, John 16- 26.................. If you read these basic scriptures again they will tell you to ask !! These promises of Christ are very powerful indeed. I think we tend to give up on these promises because we think God has given up on us. (Not True) I want to be like Daniel when he expresses - ''And I set my face unto the Lord God''.... Daniel 9-3.
In the last few years since returning to England I have been taught I dare to say by the Lord to set my face towards His. I began to learn just how shallow I had become in understanding Jesus my saviour. Oh I went to Bible college in Dallas Texas, met so many wonderful men/women- heard great speakers and basically learnt my trade on how not to be a Christian. In these last 7 years I have been taught in the classroom of the Holy Spirit. I put down all ministry and church- to simply learn from the only One who could teach me correctly in this my season.
I am thankful for His love and discipline, I am thankful for the truth and the wisdom I have learnt over these years of testing. I confess many times I wanted to give up and to just not reason with God at all. I wanted to be doing and going again. But for all of you daring to go and to lead maybe, never be afraid to stop and to listen to possible correction.
I am contented and happy because I am ready again for my next move with Jesus Christ in to the world of missions. People will always try and tell you what you should be doing, and of course wise words are happily accepted. but make sure you hear clearly the call of God on your life. You cannot serve man and God, trust me I tried and failed indeed.
I understood when standing alone in some difficult countries that, God had commanded me to be strong and courageous, I was not to be terrified or discouraged, For the Lord my God said He would be with me wherever I may go. I have seen this so often and relied totally on His Word. It matters not what you or I think, it is the will of the Lord that matters the most. I learnt to lay down all my ideas, my fears, my immaturity, my own reasoning, my ministry, my wisdom, my frustrations, my anger, my blindness to life around me, my weaknesses and lack of knowledge in the things of the Bible. I thought I knew it all and I thank God for His love and intervention because now - I am at least ready for the next phase of my life with Him.
Be careful of what you ask of the Lord ! But be bold and be willing to submit to the responses He may show you, and be teachable. His plan for your lives will not be wasted and you will be right in His will when sent out to your field so to speak. I have learnt whilst waiting for my commission again, I would speak one-on-one the message of His life for the lost. I have been humbled in the stores, the streets and university I visit from time to time. To have seen individuals come to Jesus has humbled me and taught me the reality of sharing wherever I may find myself.