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Zechariah’s journey to Jerusalem

Zechariah’s journey to Jerusalem.  Zechariah the priest kissed his wife goodbye as left his village in the hill country to go to Jerusalem - but His wife Elizabeth was a little forlorn.  She would be all alone for several weeks because she had no children for company.  She had become used to that, but it was still hard to live with the disappointment. Zechariah however, must have been excited to fulfil this rare opportunity to minister in Herod’s newly built temple - but he had no idea of what was about to happen. As Zechariah was burning incense in the holy place, an angel appeared to him with the message that in their old age his wife would have a baby who would prepare the way for the Messiah. The journey of life is full of surprises but it’s never too late to have an encounter with God if we are open to it!

Zechariah’s journey back to the Hill Country

As Zechariah took the long journey back home after his priestly service in Jerusalem, he was a changed man. For a start - he couldn’t speak. He had seen an angel in the Temple but had questioned Gabriel’s message – and you don’t do that with angels! But it wasn’t all bad news – the good news was that in their old age his wife, was going to have a baby who would be a prophet - like Elijah.  Zechariah had 9 months to think, so when the baby was born – he was in no doubt that Gabriel’s message was true.  When it came to naming the child he insisted on naming him John.  As soon as he did that, his mouth was opened and Zechariah spoke these amazing words: “You my child will go before the Lord to prepare the way for him – to give his people the knowledge of salvation.”  That salvation is still available today.

Mary’s journey to visit Elizabeth

Gabriel had told Mary that she had been chosen to be the mother of the Messiah and that Elizabeth her relative was pregnant in her old age, so Mary quickly decided to go and visit her. So why did Mary take that journey in the early stage of her own pregnancy? Not to escape prying eyes – because there was nothing to see yet.  No - Elizabeth was the only other person in the world who would understand – and she surely did. As Mary walked through the door Elizabeth said “Why am I so favoured that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” There are times in life when only someone who has gone through a similar journey as you, can truly understand and help you.  Call on that person - they will be honoured that you came to them for support and prayer - and together you will see what God will do.

Mary’s journey home to Nazareth

Mary had taken the journey from Nazareth to the hill country to see her relative Elizabeth who by this time was miraculously six months pregnant in her old age. Since Mary stayed with her for about 3 months it seems reasonable that she would have stayed for the birth, but when that was over, it was time to make the journey home.  What could Mary be thinking as she travelled along? - Nothing showing yet, but how will Joseph be? She needn’t have worried - God had taken care of everything – Joseph already knew - and he was ready for all the consequences.  Anything God asks us to do – He will always give us the wherewithal to do it and the people around us to help us – He’s always way ahead of us – we don’t need to worry about anything – just trust fully in Him.

Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem I:

Rome’s first Emperor, Caesar Augustus – didn’t know it, but he was the one who caused Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem and thus fulfil a 700 year old prophecy that the Messiah would be born there. Furthermore he did not realise that he saved Joseph and Mary’s reputation. We do not know how long before the birth that they set out on their journey to Bethlehem but maybe Mary’s pregnancy was not showing too much.  So when they did finally return to Nazareth about 2 years later, no one would ever know exactly when their baby had actually been born.  Often in our journey of life we dread the things that are before us - but so long as we are in God’s hands – as we go forward we find that it’s not so bad as we feared – God has taken care of it all, sometimes in the most unexpected way!

Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem II:

When Mary and Joseph finally arrived in Bethlehem, having travelled about 70 miles all the way from Nazareth, try as they did, they could find nowhere to stay.  Even if we are in the centre of God’s will like Mary and Joseph were, still we can hit obstacles along the way.  The journey had not been easy - however slowly they took it, and the accommodation when they arrived was far from comfortable but God was with them – spiritually and literally in a physical way.  When the child was born - the baby that Mary laid in a manger was Emmanuel – God with them - and God with us.  We all have a different journey to walk through in life, and it is not easy for anyone, but with Jesus in our lives we can all have the same experience of the presence of God - with us - every step of the way!

The journey of the Shepherds to Bethlehem

When the shepherds set out in the middle of the night on their short journey from the fields into Bethlehem village, they were in no doubt about what they were looking for.  First one angel had appeared to them telling them that the Messiah had been born that night - and then the sky was filled with angels praising God.  How amazing and earthshattering was that! But how were they going to find this baby? All they knew was that when they did, they would recognise him because he would be lying in a manger – which was totally unheard of - even for the poorest of the poor. There are lots of people today, on their journey of life - who are looking for something – some meaning to life.  The good news is that millions around the world have found it – in the One who was born in Bethlehem that Christmas night.

Shepherds witness to everyone they knew

Having somehow found the baby Jesus, there was no doubt whatsoever in the minds of the shepherds that they had seen the new born Messiah – the saviour of the world.  Presumably they had gone around Bethlehem listening out and looking for signs activity in the middle of the night. Then to the surprise of Mary herself, they had found him – wrapped in swaddling clothes - in a manger just as the angel had said. As the shepherds set out on their return journey to the fields outside Bethlehem they were totally ecstatic. The angel had also told them that this was news of great joy for all people – the shepherds were the first to fulfil that by telling everyone they met what had happened. Christmas is a great opportunity to tell people the good news of the coming of the Saviour – so let’s look for all kinds of ways to share the joy this Christmas.

Mary & Joseph’s journey to Jerusalem

Five weeks and 5 days after the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph started on the five mile journey from Bethlehem to Jerusalem. This was to fulfil the law of Moses about purification after child birth and to offer the necessary sacrifice in the Temple. Those who could afford it, sacrificed a lamb - but Mary and Joseph were obviously poor and offered two small birds instead. They were surprised during their visit when an old man, Simeon, came up to them and took the baby in his arms and praised God saying: “My eyes have seen your salvation!” He was quickly followed by Anna, a very old lady who also recognised who the child was and also gave thanks to God that His redemption had come. As Joseph and Mary did the return journey to Bethlehem, they marvelled at what these prayerful people had spoken about the child.  Do you recognise who Jesus really is?

Wise men leave the East & journey to Israel

To go on a long journey can be very exciting - but also very hard work. The preparations and planning - not to mention the journey itself - can be very tiring. After months of planning the Magi excitedly embarked on their epic, up to - 1000 mile journey to find the King of the Jews. They had spent their whole lives studying the stars and their ancient books so when they saw the star sign, they were totally convinced that a most momentous historical event had taken place in Israel. There are many theories about the nature of that star but they were 100 percent correct in their conclusion about the nature of the child who had been born.  Have you reached your own conclusion about who Jesus really is? For those of us who have, it’s a lifetime journey of discovery that goes on and on - and never disappoints!

Wise men arrive at Jerusalem and see the star again

When the Magi completed their long journey from the East they arrived in the wrong place!  The palace in Jerusalem was the logical place to meet the new born King of the Jews - but instead they met the Idumaean King - Herod. Herod was obviously impressed by the fact that the wise men had undertaken such a momentous journey and that they were so sure about who the child was. So when Herod checked with his advisors about the birth place of the Messiah - the Magi were soon on last leg of their journey to Bethlehem.   The sudden appearance of the star above them to show where the child was - was truly miraculous because it must have been set in motion millions of years before! In just the same way – our salvation was planned before the foundation of the world. Have you started on your journey of faith in Jesus yet?

Wise men secretly return to the East another way

The wise men had travelled possibly up to 1000 miles from the East to see a baby – all because their astronomical studies had convinced them that he was the most amazing child that had ever been born - after all, how many children have their own star? They were not disappointed.  Their journey was a total success - but King Herod was a worried man. Herod determined to kill all the boys around Bethlehem who were two years old and under and he told the Magi to report back - which in all innocence they intended to do – but their divine satnav rerouted their journey back to the East a different way.  The devil tries to oppose God’s purposes every way that he can but – the child who was born is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah - and he will always prevail and if we belong to him we will too.

Mary & Joseph journey to Egypt

Once the Magi had left, Mary and Joseph embarked on their journey to Egypt to escape the murderous plans of King Herod. That journey made him a stranger in a strange land. Along with his earthly parents Jesus became a refugee. This identifies him with millions today.  There are something like 5 million refugees from Syria alone. God’s love came down into the dust and dirt of this world in the person of his Son.  Jesus identified himself with all of humanity’s suffering - he encountered threats, danger and rejection almost as soon as he arrived - but he gladly went through all of that right up to his despicable death on a cross to show us that God so loved this world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. You can begin your journey towards heaven by believing in Jesus today.

Mary & Joseph return to Israel and arrive at Nazareth

King Herod the Great had ordered his soldiers to go and kill all the boys 2 years old and under - in and around Bethlehem. Within a matter of months Herod himself died a most agonising death.  The holy family were refugees in Egypt having escaped Herod’s plans but now they were able to take the journey back to Israel when an angel informed Joseph that it was safe to return.  However when they arrived, Joseph discovered that Herod’s equally cruel and wicked son, Archelaus was ruling in his place, and Joseph was directed by an angel to continue their journey right up to the safe haven of Nazareth which was regarded as a backwater by upper class Jews. Years later Nathanael sarcastically commented “Can any good thing come from Nazareth?” Well he soon discovered that was wrong.  When he met Jesus for himself, Nathanael quickly changed his mind and declared you are the Son of God!

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