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The Angels of Christmas - Radio Talks by Pastor Paul


Have you ever noticed how much angels were involved in the events of the first Christmas? Angels are God’s messengers. They are ready to be sent by God to do his will at any moment. The Bible tells us that angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation. That is why angels brought God’s message of salvation to the key people involved in the events of the first Christmas. Through those amazing events leading to the birth of Jesus, God would make salvation available to the world. Here we are 2,000 years later, celebrating Jesus’ birthday and that message of salvation is still available to the whole world. To inherit that salvation we just need to believe the message of the Christmas angels.


Everyone who knows the Christmas story has heard about the angel Gabriel, but did you know that the name Gabriel means - God is Mighty. The angel Gabriel first appeared over 2,550 years ago to the prophet Daniel who was in Babylon and had seen some amazing and perplexing visions about the future, which he did not understand. The angel Gabriel was the Mighty God’s chosen Messenger to explain to Daniel the message of God’s plan of the Ages. Gabriel spoke to Daniel about the coming Messiah who would bring those plans to pass. Here’s the wonderful thing - God’s mighty plans are still being unfolded right now – and we are part of that plan if we truly believe the message of the angel – that Jesus is the Messiah.


The angel Gabriel had appeared to the prophet Daniel with the message of the coming Messiah around 550BC. Isn’t it significant that over 500 years later, God sent the same Messenger – Gabriel, to earth again to say that the time had come. Gabriel heralded the coming of Jesus and the good news of salvation to Zacharias and to Mary - and through them to all humanity. Gabriel’s message to Daniel, 550 years before - was that God would send His anointed one - the Messiah to put an end to sin and bring in everlasting righteousness. The message of the good news of salvation is still as fresh as it was when the angel Gabriel proclaimed it to Daniel, Zacharias and Mary and it’s still good news for us this Christmas. Have you received it yet?


The angel Gabriel had appeared around 550BC to the prophet Daniel with the message of the coming Messiah and now over 500 years later, God sent the same Messenger to Zacharias who was to become the father of John the Baptist – the one who would prepare the way for the Messiah. Gabriel’s first words to Zacharias were: Your prayer is heard - your wife Elizabeth shall have a son. Zacharias & Elizabeth were old – they had obviously prayed in the past for a child but it seemed impossible for that prayer to be answered now. Sometimes we have to wait a long time for prayers to be answered - but miracles still happen and the greatest one of all is to be saved and forgiven and this miracle is available to everyone who believes in Jesus.


The angel Gabriel appeared to Zacharias the priest as he did his work in the temple and told him that he would become the father of John the Baptist – the one who would prepare the way for Jesus. Because Zacharias was an old man these words seemed to be impossible and he didn’t believe it. The angel said “I am Gabriel who stands in the presence of God” - He spoke with the highest authority and what he said could be totally depended upon to come to pass! Gabriel said: “these words will be fulfilled in their own time” – God always has HIS time for doing things, He is never early and He is never late. Let’s learn from the mistake that Zacharias made - and truly trust that every word of God will be fulfilled in their own time!


The angel Gabriel appeared to Daniel over 2,500 years ago to explain the meaning of visions that the prophet had seen concerning the future. It is significant that Gabriel, who heralded earth shattering events that would determine the course of history, is sent again from heaven 550 years later to proclaim the greatest event of all time first to Zacharias - to tell him that he would be the father of John the Baptist, who would prepare the way of the Lord - and then some months later to Mary. Over the next few days we will look at Gabriel’s message to Mary but notice what the angel says to her first of all: “Rejoice… the LORD is with you” – For all who accept Mary’s Son as the Son of God and Saviour, the Lord is with us too!


The angel Gabriel who had first spoken to Daniel about the coming of the Messiah 550 years before the event, now appears to Mary and by the words that he speaks - he makes it very clear that she is going to be the mother of the Messiah. Gabriel also reveals that the Messiah’s name will be Jesus – which means Jehovah saves and that Jesus is far more than anyone expected the Messiah to be. This Jesus is the Son of the Highest, who will rule and reign forever in a Kingdom that will never end. If we truly believe in Jesus – as He actually is – the Saviour, the Son of the Most High God and King forever – and we live for Him and serve Him - then we will not only be saved - but we will rule and reign with Him forever!


When the angel Gabriel visited Mary he told her that she had been chosen to be the mother of the Messiah who would be called Jesus. Mary asked the angel how this could be - since she was not married. Gabriel explained to her that this was going to be a virgin conception – a miracle from the Holy Spirit – the perfect combination of Mary’s human DNA with the Divine making this baby both Son of Man and Son of God in one person. Mary’s beautiful response was: “Let it be to me according to your word” – I believe that the moment she accepted God’s word - is when it happened. The moment a person truly accepts Jesus today is the moment He comes and lives in each believer by His Spirit. - Have you ever said that to Jesus? - “Let it be to ME”


When Joseph discovered that his fiancée Mary was pregnant - he was considering what to do in this situation, when an angel appeared to him in a dream and explained what was happening. The angel told him he didn’t need to be afraid to take Mary as his wife because this miraculous virgin conception was the work of the Holy Spirit. The angel told Joseph that this child would save his people from their sins and therefore, as his earthly father, Joseph was given the responsibility of naming the child, Jesus - which means Jehovah saves. When Joseph understood the situation, he gladly did all that God asked of him. God never uses or abuses people - but when, like Joseph, we believe and cooperate with God - we have the joy and privilege of being included in God’s amazing plans.


Have you ever wondered why, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, that an angel appeared to some ordinary shepherds and told them the good news? Was it so that children could dress up as shepherds and angels in Nativity plays from, then on? No - I think it was because they were the only ones who were awake at the time! Are you available to what God is doing these days? The first thing the angel said to those amazed shepherds was: “Do not be afraid.” The angel Gabriel had said the same to Zacharias and to Mary - and the angel in Joseph’s dream told him not to be afraid either. We never need to be afraid of what God is doing - if we are obeying him. His plans for us are for good and not for evil to give us a future and a hope.


An angel appeared to some humble shepherds in Bethlehem and announced the birth of Jesus to them. After they had gotten over their initial shock, the angel said to them: “I bring you good news of great joy which is for all people” - So when God offers mankind such joy - why do people not receive it? Fallen human nature seems to prefer darkness to light. The angel said to the shepherds: “To YOU is born this day a Saviour who is Christ the Lord” - The angel could have just announced the birth - but he makes it very personal – it’s for YOU that this Saviour has been born. The Jews were waiting for the Christ, the Messiah but when He came he brought far more than anyone could have dreamed – He brought salvation from sin and eternal life - and that is for You too!


When the angel visited the shepherds in Bethlehem he told them that they would find the newly born Messiah lying in a manger – this was a foolproof sign for them because even in those days babies didn’t sleep cattle troughs! - but Jesus willingly came from heaven to the lowest level in order to be here - for everyone. The lone angel was then joined by a multitude of angels who filled the sky praising God and proclaiming his glory. Do you know how many angels there are in heaven? Well the book of Revelation tells us there are over 100 million angels - plus myriads more – countless angels. I guess they all wanted go down and be part of this great moment. That must have been quite a sight to behold! The shepherds were left in no doubt that the most significant event of all time had just taken place!


After the visit of the Magi Joseph once again had an angel appear to him in a dream telling him to take Mary and the baby Jesus to Egypt - to protect them from King Herod. Then when it was safe to go back to the land of Israel some time later, an angel spoke to Joseph again in a dream. God always speaks to us in a way that we can recognise and that is right for us. Joseph and Mary probably went to Alexandria in Egypt where there was a large Jewish community – but they were strangers in a strange land – could it be that the expensive Christmas gifts from the Magi of gold, frankincense and myrrh were God’s gracious way of providing for them? Jesus Himself is God’s priceless Christmas gift to us all. Have you received him yet?


The Angel Gabriel had appeared personally to Zacharias and to Mary with the wonderful news of salvation and the coming of Jesus. Joseph also had been given instructions from an angel in various dreams and the shepherds of Bethlehem saw angels too. These encounters with angels, were an unprecedented invasion from heaven to earth over a one year period, never experienced before or since, but which we are still reeling from to this day! The message of the angels was the best news this world has ever heard – and this Christmas it’s still the best news ever – All we have to do to inherit that salvation is to believe the message of the angels - that God has come to this earth in the person of His Son to save us.

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