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Spiritual Fathers


I would not be where I am today if it had not been for Tony.  Tony was my Sunday School teacher at the Baptist church we attended when I was 9 years old. He became a friend of our family and I trusted him.


So when I was going through an anxiety disorder and identity crisis in my late teenage years, sometimes even feeling suicidal, I turned to Tony for help.  He was a single man and that gave him more time and freedom to be available, but he certainly went the extra mile in being there for me.  He would listen to me for hours and hours either over the phone or at his house on many evenings. I could tell him all my fears and problems in confidence knowing that then he would pray for me strongly and give advice and support as appropriate at the time. He was there for me when I went through Bible College and also helped me financially then and on other occasions.


Hopefully as young ministers you have someone or a number of people like that who support you - and maybe one day you will be that person to a number of others as your ministry progresses.  It’s a wonderful privilege to have a spiritual father and a great honour and joy to be a spiritual father to others. Like the apostle Paul says “you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ yet you do not have many fathers” (1 Corinthians 4:15). A good father is committed for life to his children, he loves them whatever they do, he prays for them constantly, he cares about their every need, he does not seek to control their lives but is there to support and advise whenever they need him.


When Tony retired he decided to move up from the south of England to be near us and he became a valued member of our church.  Amazingly, although he was my spiritual father he chose to always call me and refer to me as “Pastor Paul.” Tony decided a few years ago to give his house to the church for future pastors and their families to live in. When he became ill he moved out of it, into a Care Home and the handover was completed.  I think he’s got a special reward in heaven for doing that!


Tony lived for a couple of years very happily in the Care Home until he became ill again. On Easter Sunday morning this year they called me and told me he was dying - so I dropped everything and went to see him.  He was able to speak and instantly recognised me, calling me “Pastor Paul” as usual. Tony had never been afraid of dying - in fact as long as I knew him, he was looking forward to it. So I spoke to him about seeing the Lord very soon and quoted these words of the apostle Paul to him:


“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing” (2 Timothy 4:7-8).


I said to him: “Tony you will be getting your crown soon - and I think I know what you will do with it don’t I? In a loud clear voice he said “Yes – I will take it off and lay it at His feet!” - I knew he would say that!


You are in the early years of ministry but it’s always good to have the final goal in view.  Our challenge is to fight a good fight all through and to finish the race with joy.  Even the great apostle spoke of keeping the faith, faithful to the end.  Sadly, I have watched a lot of people not doing that.


When I was in America for the first time travelling with a friend who was an evangelist - just two young men new in the ministry, our host took to us to see his father who was an old man.  After a cup of coffee and a pleasant conversation, as we left - these were his words to us – “Young men - keep the faith!”  The reward for doing so is a crown of righteousness.


Whatever we achieve in ministry through the years, although the Lord will reward faithfulness, it’s all by His grace. Like Tony, let’s always give Jesus the glory - both now and then.


When we see Him we will gladly cast our crowns before Him


- Jesus is the only One who deserves ALL the glory!






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